IJAET is an scholarly, online international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of Engineering & Technology. The aim of the IJAET is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The Journal covers all essential branches of Engineering & Technology. High Quality papers for IJAET are invited for website.
IJAET aims to promote research activities among the persons of industry and academia, so as to evolve something that is useful for society. The aim of the IJAET is to give professionals, engineers, academicians, technologists, students and freelancers a research Platform so as to develop something to cater the needs of society. The journal covers all areas of engineering and Technology. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes.
Christian College of Engineering and Technology
JC Publications,No:305,Main Block,
Christian College of Engineering and Technology,
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